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Séance du 01/08/2014 (carnet de blik)

Commentaires : CSS Spike Set

Lieu : Piscine Aiga Bluia Eau Bleue à Saint Junien

Distance totale : 3800 mètres


Warm-up - Session 1  - Something Classically simple - 1000 m

Aim :  A simple set to get you started in a good note

400 m Easy f/s focus on smooth exhalation and bilatera breathing

300 m Fins ↑Broken Arrow ↓f/s steady

200 m Pull Buoy - focus on good roll

100 m Easy f/s - Nice and Smooth

Corps de séance

CSS Session 6 - Something Smooth - 2000 m

Aim: Speed and endurance required here in this challenging but enjoyable main set

40 x 50 m ‘Spike Set’

CSS at 55"/50m

16 x 50 m sprint every 4th, cycle time of CSS + 5 sec per 50 m including recovery time

12 x 50 m sprint every 3rd, cycle time of CSS + 10 sec per 50 m

8 x 50 m sprint every 2nd, cycle time of CSS + 15 sec per 50 m

4 x 50 m sprint every one, cycle time of CSS + 20 sec per 50 m

400 m Educatifs papillon
100m palmes : ondulations avec planche / battements de crawl
100m palmes : ondulations sous l'eau, bras tendus devant, respiration tous les 5 ondulations / crawl
100m palmes : ondulations en surface / dos crawlé et ondulations dorsales (pas jojo!)
100m palmes : ondulations en surface et bras de crawl alterné / crawl


Cool-down - Session 1 - Something Classically Simple - 400m -Aim : Great to loosen off shoulders

100 m Fins

100 m Easy Pull Buoy with good body roll

100 m kick

100 m easy fs